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In recent years, friction reducers have evolved into the primary additive used in the hydraulic fracturing process. There are different performance characteristics for this additive based on the water source (produced or fresh water), the additives used in combination with the friction reducer, and type of friction reducer used (emulsion, slurry, or dry polymer).

Unique needs, Dependable Performance

Frac operations depend on clean friction reducers that pump and transport well, that are consistent and homogenous from manufacturing to the field, and that are tolerant to sheer and temperature conditions. In addition, it is essential that FRs must have the proper viscosity and chemical properties to reduce mechanical wear and tear, minimize friction and dramatically improve water use and energy efficiency. With the pace of technological advancement and the many different FRs available on the market, it takes expertise to assess which friction reducer is best suited for the unique needs of each site.

Consult an FR expert

At Yellowstone, we apply decades of hydraulic fracturing expertise to ensure the appropriate selection, quality control, and deployment of friction reducers. To learn more about Yellowstone Industries’ friction reducers and how they can be used in your next project, please contact us.